industria aeronautica

The aeronautic industry in 2019

How much is an aeronautics company worth? Today, a lot. During this present year, we can see the aeronautic industry valuations reaching historical figures by looking into the numbers that corporate transactions show. This trend is expected to keep on going for the next few years in terms of M&A transactions within the sector.

According to our last report created by the ONEtoONE team, “The aeronautic industry in 2019”, the participation of certain countries plus a positive economic industry development, has made this sector attractive for M&A activity.

¿Which are the principal geopolitical players?

United States:

The aerospace industry in the USA is the principal character (Boeing), in what refers to innovation as well as the length of their product line, with a 47,7% of the global profit share.


Its participation has increased in the last years thanks to the growth in the civil industry activity and thanks to an increase of the market share for the European giant Airbus, which is now the main competitor for the United States.

Other big competitors:

It is possible to identify other big players –such as Japan, Canada, Brazil or Russia– who, slightly minor contribution, have presented themselves in leader positions in some areas of the industry.

industria aeronáutica

Challenges and trends of the european aeronautic industry

industria aeronáutica

A new competitor:

The entrance of a new competitor that breaks with the duopoly since 1997 between Airbus and Boing. During the last decade, China – which soon will turn to be the biggest aviation market in the world- has been developing its own airplanes through the public enterprise COMAC, searching to penetrate the occidental market.

Supply Chain Consolidation:

Boeing’s supply chain is focused in big suppliers, while the Airbus supply chain encounters itself in a more incipient consolidation phase.

Less dependency on Airbus:

Another challenge that companies of the industry must face is to depend less on Airbus. Because of this, a lot of companies find themselves in the process of complementing their activity by participating in other areas such as the automotive, rail or nautical.

Corporate operations in the aeronautic industry in 2019

¿Which are the main objectives?


Search of leadership

Maintain leadership by increasing the presence in the European market by the creation of big multinationals (TIER l). This trend has become really important, specially in Spain where the level of corporative consolidation is minor than in other countries such as France and Germany.

Take advantageas of I+D of the acquired companies

Less heavy structures and planes with lesser Co2 emissions allows companies to position themselves as important characters in an industry in which technological advances play an important role.

Access to higher volume contract

Access to higher volume contracts. Thanks to major technical and productive capacities, groups that are working in consolidation processes have access to participate in mayor business activities.

Strengthening of financial position

With the entrance of new funds, the company can grow organically in a faster way

Download the full report “The aeronautic industry in 2019”

To find a complete and graphic view of the milestones of this trend and its global impact.

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