How is digitization changing the business world?

Technological advancement has altered the way we live our lives on a daily basis. Even simple tasks such as communicating, travelling and working have been significantly facilitated with technology. This technological advancement is also linked to the digitalization process. Digitization has greatly affected the business world and has proved it is a necessity in the modern corporate sector.

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What is digitization and how does it relate to business?

Digitalization is a fundamental business transformation that:

  • Involves the use of digital technologies to streamline business operations.
  • Increases productivity.
  • Improves customer experience.

Essentially it is the process of converting analog data into a digital format using appropriate electronic devices, allowing data to be processed, stored, and sent via digital networks. For example, scanning a physical photograph and having it as a digital copy on your computer or converting a paperback book into an e-book.

Moreover, there are some less obvious examples that people are unaware of. Such as, when you buy a new phone and that phone immediately contains all your contacts and photos or when you call your bank or hospital and your transaction history or medical records are automatically. When you order via companies such as Amazon and all your payment and shipping details are saved and you receive your order the next day. These are all examples of how digitization truly is everywhere.

The fact that digitization makes work considerably faster, smoother, and overall, more efficient is one of the reasons why it is so crucial in the corporate sector. This phenomenon occurs in all firms nowadays.

In what ways is the business world adapting to digitization?

There are various ways the business world has adapted to digitization:

Artificial intelligence

One being Artificial intelligence. AI has become increasingly relevant in most business sectors. The reason behind this is due to how it enables companies to diversify into new businesses and obtain a competitive advantage.  AI has already had such an impact on the corporate sector to the extent that corporations are using it to automate jobs and specific operations such as performing data analysis, developing algorithms, and even increasing client communication.


Innovation has been greatly facilitated with technological advancement. There is a plethora of fresh and unique options available on the market that are applicable to practically any facet of a company. Technology innovation enables businesses to generate new ideas, reach a larger audience, employ specialized tools for organizing and managing work, and, most importantly, create a superior product that is perfectly tailored to ensure the highest degree of customer satisfaction.

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Evolution of business models

Finally, digitization has also allowed for a wide range of new business models to evolve. With all the information and tools available online businesses can create models adapted perfectly to their own needs. For example, cloud restaurants are one example of how the restaurant industry adapted its business model to conform with digitization. The vast resources that digitization permits, offers companies the chance to build something completely different and band-new. This is crucial in creating a flawless product that was not possible before the era of digitization.

To conclude it is clear that digitization has drastically changed the ways in which businesses operate. This can also be reflected when selling a business as digital transformation and technology trends can multiply your company’s profits and increase its value to potential investors or buyers.