Selected M&A transactions by ONEtoONE

Advice on sale

The Spanish company Dacartec Servicios Informáticos SL, has sold its Colombian affiliate (Darcatec Internacional Andina SAS) to the Group, also with Spanish origin, Diusframi, mandating the advisory of ONEtoONE Corporate Finance for the operation. The operation suggests the strengthening of Diusframi Group's presence in LatAm and also fits within their expansion project.

Advice on buying

Catalunya Banc has come to an agreement with French fund Salvepar, advised by ONEtoONE Corporate Finance, which last year raised €130 million for new investment and minority stakes in mid-market firms, planning its first transactions in Spain. The fund belonged to Société Générale but was sold to another French fund Tikehau in 2012. SALVEPAR is an investment company listed on the NYSE Euronext Paris (stock exchange symbol SY). SALVEPAR aims at supporting SMEs in order to strengthen the stability of their shareholder base and to accelerate growth. SALVEPAR’s purpose is to take minority shareholdings in listed or unlisted companies, with priority given to companies in a growth phase with international development projects.

Advice on sale

Investor search for a company dedicated to the manufacture of OTC nutraceutical products (including herbal medicine) and dietary food supplements, for third-parties, in solid and liquid forms. Products manufactured vary from powdered mixtures, tablets and capsules to oral liquids, and are available in a variety of packing formats such bottles, vials, blister packaging and foil sachets.

Advice on sale

ONEtoONE advised PERI in the sale of their ApS business in Spain to MECANOTUBO (CIMBRAS Y GEOTECNIA, S.L.), a Spanish company. The German Group PERI is an entity dedicated to the installation of formwork, scaffolding systems, services and plywood. Peri Group has conducted this action in congruity with its Strategic Plan for 2018.

Short Term Products

ONEtoONE was the financial advisor of the Group Seprolesa (Selección de Productos Leoneses, S.A.) dedicated to the production of vegetables, being one of the most recognized brands “Legumbres La Asturiana”.

Advice on sale

Tessi acquired a 100% interest in Graddo Grupo Corporativo S.L. and its subsidiaries. Graddo, a family-owned company based in Madrid, which specialises in processing documents and means of payment, reported revenues of €15.5 million in 2013 with similar operating margins to those of Tessi documents services.

Advice on buying

Affiliates of INOLEX, headquartered in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, have signed a definitive agreement to purchase ieS LABO, of Oraison, France. INOLEX has been advised by ONEtoONE Corporate Finance. ieS LABO is a manufacturer of high quality natural and organic plant & herbal extracts for the cosmetic industry. INOLEX expects these products to have tremendous appeal for their cosmetic customers around the world.

Advice on sale

Sale of 100% of a family company founded 70 years ago dedicated to the manufacture of technical fabrics for safety and protection purposes.

Private Placement

ONEtoONE advised to Pascual Group in the sell of Pascual Egg production farms. Finally an Italian Group, Eurovo, bought the assets and agreed with Pascual to a joint venture based on co-production and development of a certain products.

Public Financing

ONEtoONE Corporate Finance advised the Spanish company in obtaining investment from COFIDES, S.A., Spanish Company of Financing of the Development. The entity financed the expansion and technological improvement of the facilities of the company Caucho Metal Productos (CMP) in Romania.

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